1,685 research outputs found

    Continuum analysis of rarefaction effects on a thermally-induced gas flow

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    A Maxwell gas confined within a micro cavity with non-isothermal walls is investigated in the slip and early transition regimes using the classical and extended continuum theories. The vertical sides of the cavity are kept at the uniform and environmental temperature T_0, while the upper and bottom ones are linearly heated in opposite directions from the cold value T_0 to the hot oneT_H. The gas flow is, therefore, induced only by the temperature gradient created along the longitudinal walls. The problem is treated from a macroscopic point of view by solving numerically the so-called regularized 13-moment equations (R13) recently developed as an extension of Grad 13-moments theory to the third order of the Knudsen number powers in the Chapman-Enskog expansion. The gas macroscopic properties obtained by this method are compared with the classical continuum theory results (NSF) using the first and second order of velocity slip and temperature jump boundary conditions. The gas flow behavior is studied as a function of the Knudsen number (Kn), nonlinear effects, for different heating ratesT_0/T_H . The micro cavity aspect ratio effect is also evaluated on the flow fields in this study.Comment: 18,9 figures, submitted to Mathematical Problems in Engineering Journa

    Fuelwood Demand in the Tamale Metropolitan Area: an Assessment for Sustainable Development Implications

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    This paper assessed fuelwood demand in the Tamale Metropolitan area and its implication for sustainable development. The general objective was to use the Travel Cost Method to assess fuelwood demand in the Tamale Metropolitan area. The methodology employed the simple random, stratified random sampling and proportions to determine the individual respondents. The study employed questionnaire to gather data and analyzed the responses using the Ordinary Least Squares method. The field data gathered was used to estimate the aggregate demand for fuelwood in the Tamale Metropolitan area using the travel cost method procedure. The results indicate that as travel cost increases, the number of visits by individual respondents to forested sites for fuelwood decreases. Also, as incomes rise, the number of visits to forested sites by individual respondents for fuelwood falls. It is recommended that, public education on the need to conserve and use natural resources wisely should be embarked upon. A demand management pattern should be adopted to check over exploitation of tree species. Promotion of a balanced use of fuelwood and other fuel alternatives should also be encouraged. Keywords: fuelwood, sustainable development, travel cost method, Tamale Metropolitan Are

    Security System for Safe Transmission of Medical Images

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    This paper develops an optimised embedding of payload in medical images by using genetic optimisation. The goal is to preserve the region of interest from being distorted because of the watermark. By using this system there is no need to manually define the region of interest by experts as the system will apply the genetic optimisation to select the parts of image that can carry the watermark guaranteeing less distortion. The experimental results assure that genetic based optimisation is useful for performing steganography with less mean square error percentage

    Citizenship Education and the Prevent Duty in a Muslim-majority state school in London

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    The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 introduced the Prevent Duty, which places a legal duty on schools to have due regard in preventing students from radicalisation. The Act also places a legal obligation for schools to promote Fundamental British Values (FBVs) including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. This research investigates how Citizenship Education is organised and taught in a Muslim-majority state school in London in response to the Prevent Duty. This study examines how school leaders and teachers in this school perceive the planning and delivery of citizenship and the promotion of British values across the curriculum. This research also looks at how pupils are responding to issues surrounding Prevent with their understanding and development of citizenship. My findings demonstrate that the school does not offer Citizenship Education as a discrete subject. Instead, Citizenship Education is organised through a combination of the PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) curriculum, Religious Education, Humanities Education, history, and SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) development. I find that Citizenship Education is given low priority in the school timetable. Although the school promotes British values across the curriculum, all participants in the study disagree with the usage of the term ‘fundamental British values’. Instead, they introduce FBVs to students as universal liberal values. Some teachers are hesitant about what to teach and how to teach them. The school attempts to enhance pupils’ awareness of Islamist and far right extremism, online grooming, and social media. However, some students find themselves subject to scrutiny when they wish to debate on the country’s foreign policy or extremism matters. The Prevent Duty has created a securitisation mentality amongst some staff and potential tension between some teachers and students in the school

    An Investigation of the Barriers that Influence Extension Employees\u27 Attitudes toward Social Media Use at Mississippi State University

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    Many Extension organizations in the United States utilize social media to communicate with clients and deliver Extension educational programs. The purpose of this study was to investigate what social media platform Extension employees were using as a communication tool to deliver educational programs, and to examine factors influencing Extension employees’ attitude toward using social media with Mississippi State University Extension. The study followed a descriptive correlational design, using a researcher- developed questionnaire. Data were collected via Qualtrics. A total of 170 Extension faculty and agents responded to the questionnaire. Most of respondents were Extension agents, white, with an equal percentage of male and female. Their age ranged from less than 25 to over 65 years old, and 51.2% were in age range from 25 to 44 years old (f = 87). Facebook and Twitter were the most-used social media platforms by Extension faculty and agents. Based on 135 usable responses of social media users, two principle component analyses were conducted. The result of principle component analyses on organizational and social media scales revealed five components that influence social media use. These five variables were named social media characteristics, clients’ interest and skills, graphic skills, organizational support, and availability of equipment and Internet. The results revealed that Extension faculty and agents’ social media users and nonusers have a positive (in range of agree) attitude toward using social media in Extension. Social media users have positive (in range of agree) perceived usefulness of social media in Extension. Extension faculty and agents Facebook self-efficacy was in the range of agree, and their Twitter self-efficacy was in range neither agree nor disagree. Perceived usefulness, clients’ interest and skills, and social media characteristics were the significant factors that influenced Extension faculty and agents attitude toward social media with Mississippi State University Extension

    The mediating effect of brand trust on the influence of communication, price, and product quality on consumer purchase behaviour in a less-developed country

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    Brand trust is one of the key elements in brand building and securing customer loyalty, based on relationship marketing factors. The aim of this research was to examine the influence of perceived product price, perceived product quality and communication on brand trust, and the effect of brand trust on consumer purchase behaviour based on the relationship theory perspective. The research instrument was developed based on items taken from previous studies. Questionnaires were distributed to 1400 consumers in 10 primary and secondary schools in three towns in Sanaa, Ibb, and Aden in Yemen. Only 711 questionnaires were used for statistical analysis, using Partial Least Squares (PLS–SEM). Results indicated that trust has a positive significant impact on purchase behaviour. Trust is also a mediator between communication and purchase behaviour, and between perceived quality and purchase behaviour. In addition, this study showed that both perceived product quality and communication positively influence building brand trust. The constructed model has a good goodness-of-fit index. This research also discussed practical implications and applications in developing and less-developed countries

    Residual Coolant Quantity in High Pressure Vessel Of PWR–440

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    تناول البحث بصورة مفصلة دراسة ديناميكية سلوك كمية الناقل الحراري المتبقي في لحظات زمنية محتلفة في بقدرة 440 ميكاواط عند حدوث التسرب المفاجىء في  VVER – 440 MW في اسطوانة الضغط العالي دورة التبريد الاولى. وتضمنت الدراسة تأثير قطر فتحة التسرب وموقعه ودرجة حرارة الناقل الحراري داخل دورة التبريد الاولى قبيل بدء عملية التسرب. وتم وضع معادلة تجريبية في ابعاد كمية الناقل الحراري المتبقي  داخل اسطوانة الضغط العالي كدالة زمنية تعتمد على القطر النسبي والارتفاع النسبي للتدفق  ودرجة الحرارة   PWRالنسبية للناقل الحراري. واختتم باستنتاجات هامة يمكن ان تسهم في بناء منظومات السلامة النووية لمفاعل من نوع  بقدرة 440 ميكاواط.        The dynamic behavior of the remaining thermal carrier at different interval times in the high-pressure cylinder of a VVER – 440 MW reactor has been studied, when the sudden leakage occurred in the first cooling loop. The study included the effect of the diameter and the location of the leakage hole, in addition to the temperature of the thermal coolant within the first cooling loop prior to the start of the leakage process.          An experimental equation was developed for the distance of the remaining thermal carrier within the high-pressure cylinder as a function of time-based on the relative diameter, the relative height of the coolant flow and the relative temperature of the thermal coolant. Important conclusions are made that could contribute to building nuclear safety systems for reactors of the type (Pressurized Water Reactor), PWR– 440 with the power of 440 Mw

    Study of Neutronic and Temperature Distribution During Enrichment Reduction for BN-350 Reactor

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       يمثل هذا البحث الحسابات النيوترونية والهيدروليكية لتحويل المفاعل BN – 350   من تخصيب عالي 27% الى تخصيب واطىء  7%. تمت دراسة قلبين ممزوجين بتخصيبين مختلفين حيث تم استبدال اقلام الوقود الخالصة من تخصيب اليورانيوم الواطىء LEW بتخصيب وقود يورانيوم عالي HEU من اقلام الوقود المنضب في حالة توازن القلب. طبقت الحسابات الحرارية  الهيدروليكية لحساب تغيرات خصائص المفاعل المتحول خلال الحالة المستقرة والاستجابة العابرة لفقدان جريان المبرد.       This paper represents the neutronic and thermal-hydraulic calculations for the conversion of BN-350 from 27% to 7% enriched Uranium fuel elements. Mixed enrichment cores have been studied where low enrichment uranium (LEU) cores fresh fuel elements substitute gradually the high enrichment uranium (HEU) depleted fuel elements in the equilibrium core.     Thermal-hydraulic calculations have been carried out to determine changes in the characteristics of the converted reactor during steady-state conditions and transient response to a coolant flow loss.  &nbsp

    Zawa Mountain Masterplan: A Potential Contributor to Building Image and Identity of Duhok City

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    Every city in the world has a public image based on its structural forms including urban elements as well as natural environment. This image can entail different meanings and influence emotional and physical well-being of the inhabitants, contribute to building identity and economic development of the location. Based on that, this paper explores opportunities and designs presented in the masterplan designed for the development of unique, year-long tourist resorts on Zawa Mountain that overlooks the southern edge of Duhok city, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and how they could contribute to building image and identity of the mountain as well as the city. The study presents a comparative analysis of the standard elements that constitute a city image and characters. Its findings indicate that the development on Zawa mountain will not only build the identity and image of the mountain as a unique, modern tourist destination at different levels but will also contribute to improving the identity and image of Duhok city. Keywords Image, identity, tourism, resort, city, Duhok